What is the safest way to receive gifts from viewers? What are some red flags? [discussion] [question] via /r/asmr

What is the safest way to receive gifts from viewers? What are some red flags? [discussion]

Hi everyone! Please forgive my vague-ness, but I’m looking for some insight/advice. I’ve been making ASMR videos for almost a year now and have a patreon where viewers can pay for video requests. This has been pretty simple, but I’m now in a situation where viewers want to send more expensive donations. I’m considering setting up a PO Box but wanted to know if there are any safety concerns I should consider before going through with this. Have any of you had any negative experiences with receiving gifts from viewers?

Submitted March 11, 2020 at 03:11AM by shannrse
via reddit https://ift.tt/39EHc24

[Discussion] Do unintelligible ASMR videos annoy anyone else? via /r/asmr

[Discussion] Do unintelligible ASMR videos annoy anyone else?

I still get tingles from them but for some reason listening to them just annoys me like nothing else on this earth ESPECIALLY when there’s a long section of unintelligible ASMR in the same video as normal ASMR. I will be lying in bed about to fall asleep and as soon as it turns to unintelligible stuff my blood just boils and I’m so annoyed by it that I stay up for another 2 hours. I’m usually a laid back person it’s next to impossible to annoy me and I never post on any social media or Reddit EVER so the fact that I’m posting about this should give you some insight on the affect it has on me.

Anyone else feel the same or at least similar? I feel like a psychopath.

Submitted March 11, 2020 at 03:13AM by BowsersLeftTeste
via reddit https://ift.tt/2W3QqRw